Any treacherous (deceptive) action to hinder an endeavor.
I’m convinced that every person born onto this Earth was born at a specific time for a specific reason. In other words, we all have a Divine Purpose.
As children, we were full of marvelous dreams! Yet, too few of us realize our childhood visions.
Did you allow “life” to force you to abandon your goals? Did you give up too soon?
Understand this: When you decide to give up on yourself, you sabotage your own life! Indeed, giving up is the deadliest form of self-sabotage – you have been deceived into believing “there is no hope” – you surrender to a lie!
Why Would a Sane Person Sabotage “Self”?
Answer: Due to the “ABC’s of Self-sabotage!
1. Awareness:
Self-sabotage results from an inner belief that “you don’t deserve…” (e.g., success; happiness).
Until you realize and accept that you are God’s unique creation, created in His image, to do His will, you will never realize just how special you are—you won’t accept the fact that you are worthy to receive God’s goodness—you won’t recognize that God has a specific plan for your life.
Without this awareness, you will unwittingly (and continuously) sabotage your own life. You’ll become your own worst enemy!
2. Blameshifting: (Example: Adam/Eve)
Until you take responsibility for your actions, you’ll continue to sabotage yourself and you’ll tie God’s hands. You won’t receive God’s best—you’ll probably end up with a mess— God does not bless a mess!
Learn from your past!
Prepare for your future!
Live in the present!
3. Choices:
Life is a series of choices! For every choice, there is a consequence!
Every choice you make is a seed you sow which produces a harvest!
Today’s reality is a result of yesterday’s choices!
For example, if you choose to party until dawn, knowing you have to be at work at 8:00 a.m., you have to deal with the consequence: you’ll probably be late for work; you won’t be alert; poor job performance; etc.
If you remain in this cycle too long, you’ll wear yourself out! Then, assuming life has given up on you, you’ll give up on life! You blame anything and anyone other than the true culprit—YOURSELF!
It’s not easy these days. Sometimes, life does seem like an exercise in futility. But, you’re not alone! God is with you every step of the way. He knows you better than you know yourself. He realizes why you do the things you do.
Even when you can’t figure out why you do certain self-destructive things, God understands.
God loves you with a perfect love—He is love! And, He brought you to this earth for a definite reason. He has an extraordinary path He wants you to travel—if you’ll let Him, He’ll show you the way.
Once you begin to see yourself as God sees you—CREATED IN HIS IMAGE—you will no longer fall victim to the self-sabotaging lies you hear in your mind!
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